Thursday, September 22, 2011

Huckleberry Finn- Chapters 5-8

In Chapter 5, Huckleberry is having to deal with the appearance of his father. His father is very jealous of the lifestyle he is living now that his isn't apart of his life. His father tells him that he shouldn't be allowed to know how to read and write because no one in their family knew how. I don't understand why his father was so jealous of his son's accomplishments. Usually a dad would be proud of their son and want them to do better in life and succeed. His father demands for the money that he heard Huckleberry was blessed with. He doesn't believe Huckleberry when he tells him that he doesn't have it anymore. The next day his father goes to the judge to get the money but instead of receiving money, his father supposedly turns his life around and tries to act religious. But that night he took the money Huckleberry gave him and got really drunk and proved to everyone that he hadn't changed.

In Chapter 6, Huckleberry has to deal with his belligerent father. The widow tried her best to keep Huckleberry under her care, but his father would not have that and he took Huckleberry to live with him in a cabin in the woods. Huckleberry grew to like living there and did not want to return to the widows house anymore. But he couldn't stay there with his father, it wasn't good for him. Everyday his father would drink and get drunk enough and abuse Huckleberry. Every now and then Huckleberry would get money from the Judge to give to his father so he would leave and go get drunk down town and make a uproar in town and get thrown in jail for a week or so. His father would get drunk and complain about the government and how it wasn't fair that he couldn't get the 6,000 dollars that belonged to them and the face that they were trying to take Huckleberry away from him. 

In Chapter 7, Huck is trying to come up with a mischievous plan to escape out from under his father’s supervision. That morning Huck awakens and goes to the river to see if any fish had been caught, but he notices that the river had began to rise so driftwood would be coming through and he could sell it. When waiting for driftwood to come through, Huck spots a canoe and takes a hold of it and keeps it for himself. He then begins to ponder on what he can do to escape his father and the widow for good. When Huck’s father goes into town that day, Huck loads up the canoe with all sorts of things for him to survive off of but he has to disguise the situation to make it look like he was murdered so no one would suspect that he ran away. That night Huck took off and started towards Jackson’s Island where he figured he would be safe. While he was trying to leave he spotted his father and hid from him until he was gone from his sight and then took off a paddling until he finally reached Jackson’s Island.

In Chapter 8, Huck talks about his lonely life on Jackson Island. He talks about how he is hiding out on the island so no one can see him. One night as Huck was preparing for sleep, he hears boom’s coming from the nearby ferry. Huck knew exactly what it was as soon as he spotted it. The people on the ferry were shooting off cannons that would make corpses rise up onto the shore of the river, if there were any under there. As they got closer and closer, Huck realized that it was everyone from back home looking for him because they all thought he was dead. After they all got a good distance away from him, Huck set up a campsite with the things that he had brought with him. Before too long Huck heard a noise in the woods and startled him pretty bad. He tried to ignore it and go back to sleep but he wasn’t able to sleep. He got his gun and went looking to see who or what it was. To his surprise it was Jim, Miss Watson’s slave that was setting up another campsite within the same woods. They got to talking and Jim told him that everyone in town thought that he was dead. He also told Huck that he had run away from Miss Watson because he overheard her say the she was going to sell him to the Orleans for eight hundred dollars. They both came to a agreement not to tell on each other and to keep it a secret that they were both hiding out at Jackson’s Island for the time being. 

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